Why Zoologist Adam Britton Raped and Killed Dozens of Dogs ?

Why Zoologist Adam Britton Raped and Killed Dozens of Dogs ?

Why Zoologist Adam Britton Raped and Killed Dozens of Dogs ?

A renowned animal scientist has been found guilty of dozens of gruesome charges, including animal cruelty, bestiality, and child exploitation materials.

On Monday, 52-year-old Adam Robert Corden, a British expert in Darwinian crocodiles, was exposed as a serial animal abuser in the Northern Region Supreme Court.

According to an Anti-News report, the severity of his crimes had led to his name being kept hidden from the public, posing a threat to his right to a fair trial.

Britain convicted him of 60 charges, including torture, rape, and the killing of at least 39 dogs.

The court heard that he referred to animals as “F-toys,” engaged in sexual acts with puppies, and operated a horrific “torture chamber” on his property in Macminns Lagoon, just half an hour outside Darwin.

Chief Justice Michael Grant granted sheriffs the right to excuse themselves and allowed security guards to wait outside the courtroom, sparing them the gruesome details of the crimes.

Justice Grant stated, “The evidence includes acts that can only be described as bizarre perversions and cruelty, which are both disturbing and capable, in my assessment, of inducing revulsion.”

Britain holds a Ph.D. in animal science and worked as a senior research assistant at Charles Darwin University.

He also ran a successful crocodile research and consultancy business, Big Gecko, where he kept saltwater crocodiles on his property as domesticated animals.

Anti-News reported that Crown Prosecutor Marty Oost revealed in court that Britain had a sexual attraction to animals, especially dogs, dating back to at least 2014 when he started engaging in sexual activities with his Swiss Shepherds, Ursa and Bolt.

Between November 17, 2020, and April 22, 2022, Britain encountered 42 dogs of different breeds and ages, most of which he subjected to torture and sexual abuse for his own perverse pleasure, ultimately killing them.

Oost informed the court that Britain conducted research into gamete cryopreservation for listed dogs and puppies in the Darwin region for sale, often forming relationships with unsuspecting owners, some of whom had to part with their pets due to travel or work commitments.

In a horrifying incident, Britain met with the owners of a large brown dog named “Wolf” to ensure that the dog would be well taken care of, as the court heard.

Prosecutors revealed that he had also sent them a picture of Wolf, appearing relaxed and happy in his new home, concealing the fact that the dog had already faced unspeakable cruelty at his hands.

Furthermore, the court heard that Britain used the encrypted messaging service Telegram through accounts named “Monster” and “Cerberus” to share videos of his heinous acts with other users.

He engaged in discussions with other users about bestiality, animal abuse, acquiring dogs, and methods of disposing of their bodies.

A search of Britain’s laptop revealed 15 files of child exploitation materials he had obtained online, including materials involving children subjected to horrifying acts.

Britain was found guilty in 37 counts of animal cruelty, resulting in serious harm or death, 10 counts of attempting to engage in sexual intercourse with dogs or attempting sexual penetration, four counts of possessing or distributing child exploitation materials, animal cruelty, and breaches of duty of care for his own dogs, Bolt and Ursa, as well as the improper use of a carriage service in an offensive manner, as reported by Anti-News.

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